Rules approved by the Special General Body Meting held on 31/12/1979
(Brought in to force on 1st Jan. 1980)
With amendments approved by the Annual General Body Meeting held on 06/06/2010
Rule 1. The Club Shall be called ‘THE BELGAUM CLUB’.
Rule 2. The objects of the Club shall be to promote social activities
Including sports and recreation.
Rule 3. Every member shall be bound by these rules.
Rule 4. No person below the age 21 years shall be eligible for admission
Or Election as a member.
Membership, Election, Rights, duties and privileges.
Subject to the provisions of these rules membership shall be open to ladies and gentlemen without any distinction.
Rule 5. There shall be Five classes of members:
a) Permanent Members
b) Life Members
c) Block Members
d) Service Members.
e) Dependant Members
Rule 6.
(i) Any person residing within the limits of Belgaum City Corporation and Belgaum Cantonment, Air Force Station Sambra is eligible to become a Permanent Member.
(ii) Every candidate for permanent membership should be proposed by one permanent member and seconded by two permanent members to whom he is personally known in the prescribed form and signed by the candidate.
(iii) Every permanent member of the club can propose only one name and second only one name during any calendar year.
(iv) No member of the Managing Committee or Ballot Committee will either propose or second any candidate for membership.
(v) On receipt of the proposal form, the Hon. Secretary shall notify the same giving details of the candidate , profession and present address together with the names of the proposer and seconder on the Notice Board of the Club for a period of 30 days.
(vi) The notice sent to the members shall call upon them to notify within 30 days should they consider the candidate unsuitable to be member giving reasons which shall be treated as strictly confidential and be destroyed after each ballot.
(vii) During the above period the Managing Committee if it so desires invites such applicant for admission, to make use of the facilities of the club pending consideration of his applications by the Managing Committee and Ballot Committee. These powers of the Managing Committee may be delegated by the Managing Committee to the Hon. Secretary or any one or more members of the Managing Committee as a Group.
During the above period of 30 days the proposer or the seconder also is entitled to bring the applicant to the Club as his guest.
(viii) After 30 days and within one month thereafter the Managing Committee shall meet, consider the objections and the proposal shall be put to vote by the Ballot Committee.
(ix) The Ballot committee shall consist of the members of the Managing Committee
(x) Eight members shall form the quorum of the Ballot Committee.
(xi) The Ballot shall be conducted by secret Ballot. Three negative votes will disqualify an applicant from becoming a member.
(xii) The Ballot box after balloting period shall be opened and examined by the Hon.Sec. in the presence of any two members of the Managing Committee all of whom shall sign the entry in the Ballot Register, noting down the result of the Ballot.
(xiii) The result, if favorable, shall immediately be communicated to the candidate in writing by the Hon. Secretary by a Notice in the prescribed form.
(xiv) In the event of an unfavorable ballot, the proposer shall be so informed for the information of the candidate.
(xv) The election of the member shall be notified on the Club Notice Board.
(xvi) In the event of the candidate not being elected or his election canceled under rule. His proposer and seconder shall be liable for any charges that the applicant may have during the interval.
(xvii) Should a candidate be elected and it appears subsequently at any time in the opinion of the Managing Committee , that any statement contained in the application is incorrect in any material particulars, the Managing Committee shall have the right to cancel his election forthwith and the member shall cease to be a member of the club.
(xviii) Should a candidate fail to get elected, he shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year.
(xix) The entrance fee for a Permanent Member shall be determined by the Managing Committee.
The entrance fee for a Service Member shall also be determined by the Managing Committee and approved by General Body.
(xx) The monthly subscription of all Categories of members shall be determined by the Managing committee.
(xxi) The candidate may withdraw his application before the ballot, upon written request to the effect address to the Hon. Secretary by himself or his proposer or seconder in which case he will be charge the usual monthly subscription from the date of his application to the date of withdrawal.
Rule 7
A permanent member who has been a member continuously for a period of 30 years and who has completed 65 years of age will automatically become a Life Member; thereafter he will be exempt from paying the monthly subscription.
Rule 8
Any Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1961 or association of persons (Nationally/ internationally known or recognized by the State or Central Govt.) having its registered office in India or any Defence Services officers mess shall be eligible to become a Block Member of the Club.
Any such institution desirous of becoming Club Member shall apply through the Hon. Secretary of the Club to the Managing Committee of the Club and the Managing Committee as its sole discretion may approve the application for admission as a Block Member. Any Block Member so admitted as above may nominate in writing not more than five persons who are principal functionaries of the institution and forward such lists to the Managing Committee and the Managing Committee at its discretion may approve the same. Persons so approved by the Managing Committee shall be entitled to all the facilities and amenities of the Club as Permanent Members except the powers to vote and being elected to any office in the Club.
As far as powers to vote in concerned the Block Member will have only one vote to be represented by one of the above 5 persons who will be nominated in writing by the Block Member.
If the Block Members so desire to nominate more than 5 members subject to the approval of the Managing Committee such members shall be accepted subject to their paying monthly subscription as that of Permanent Member.
Rule 9.
(i) Gazetted Officers belonging to the Govt. Service not below the rank of class 1 (JR) or officers of equal ranks in the Defence Services stationed within the Belgaum Corporation Limit as mentioned in Rule 6 (i)
(ii) Application of such officers must be recommended by the Head of the Office and may be accepted as members by the Managing Committee by majority decision without ballot.
(iii) They shall pay an entrance fees and monthly subscription as fixed by the Managing Committee.
(vi) Such members shall have all the privileges of Permanent Members.
Rule 10
Dependents of members shall be entitled to use the club, such dependents being restricted to:
(i) Wife / Husband
(ii) Children dependent on a member above the age of 12 years and below the age of 21 years on payment of fees as determined by the Managing Committee.
Rule 11
No strangers shall be admitted to the Club premises unless introduced by a member as guest However.
(i) Any member may introduce one or more friends into the Club as his guest.
(ii) Where the introduction of guest or guest is objected to pay any member, the matter will be
referred to the Hon.Secretary whose decision shall be final subject to confirmation by the Managing Committee.
(iii) Every member introducing a Guest shall pay guest charges Fixed by the Managing Committe
(iv) No person who is a resident of Belgaum can come as a guest more than thrice in a month
(v) Right of admission of the guest or guests is reserved.
(vi) Guests shall not be allowed on any day on which a General Body Meeting on the members is being held or on Election Day.
Rule 12 Deleted
Rule 13
In case of Permanent Members the Membership of the Club shall commence from the date of the election by the Ballot Committee.` In case of Block Members, Temporary, Distinguished and Service Members, from the date of approval by the Managing Committee.
Rule 14
(a) Membership and all rights and privileges relating there to shall be deemed to cease if :
(i) A member resigns or dies.
(ii) is dismissed from service to which he belongs,
(iii) by a competent court declared an insolvent or of unsound mind or sentenced to imprisonment of any offence involving moral turpitude.
(iv) If membership is cancelled by a Resolution carried by a ¾ majority of the members present at the General Body meeting of the club.
(v) is in arrears of subscription for a period exceeding three months but the Managing Committee may readmit him or receipt of arrears of subscription and other dues in addition to a sum of Rs.5000/- without any formalities within one month from the date of removal of membership.
(vi) The Disciplinary committee shall allow at least one fortnight for the members to make representation in writing or in person.
No resignation of a member shall be accepted or deemed to take effect unless and until such Member completes payment of all the dues from him to the club.
A member who resigns from the club may with the approval of the Managing Committee be Re-admitted on payment of 1/3 of the entrance fee and all arrears due up to the date on which His original membership terminated.
The Disciplinary committee shall make a recommendation in the matter to the managing Committee and the managing Committee, if it so deems fit may suspend the membership of the concerned member, until the course of action to be taken against the member finalized by the Managing Committee.
(b) (Added)
The Managing Committee may appoint a Disciplinary Committee to determine the truth of any complaint received in writing against any member of the club. The Disciplinary Committee shall meet within one fortnight of its appointment and issue a written notice to the concerned members outlining the nature of the complaint. This notice shall be handed over to the concerned member or sent to his address by R.P.A.D. Post.
During the period of suspension of membership, the member will not be entitled to use any of the facilities of the club.
Rule 15
Withdrawal from membership shall be in writing to the Hon. Secretary within the first week of the month for which the subscription is due; otherwise the member will be liable for subscription for the whole month.
Rule 16.
The Managing Committee may, on receipt of application, transfer membership in the following cases without payment of an entrance fee.
(i) A Member on transfer or on leaving the station may ask for his membership to be transferred in his wife’s / husband’s name.
(ii) On the death of a member, the widow may ask her name to be substituted for that of her late husband.
(iii) A wife may ask that her membership be transferred to her husband and Vice – Versa.
(iv) Outstanding dues if any, shall be paid in full before the membership is transferred.
Rule 17.
1. The Management of the club will vest in the Managing Committee.
2. The Managing Committee shall consist of the following
i) President
ii) Vice-President
iii) Hon. Secretary & Treasurer
iv) Fifteen other members
Among the Civilian members those with at least 10 years membership of the Club only are entitled to be elected to the Managing Committee of the Club.
If there are any vacancies in the Managing Committee caused due to resignation by the Member of the Managing Committee or for any other reasons in the middle of the year, the managing Committee may fill up the vacancy by co-opting a member in that place.
3. The Inspector General of Police Northern Range, Belgaum shall be the President of the Club.
4. The Deputy Commissioner Belgaum district shall be the Vice- President of the Club.
5. The Supdt. Of Police of Belgaum shall be the Hon.Secretary & Treasurer of the Club.
6. The President of the Club shall nominate eight other members of the Managing Committee from among the Permanent Members who are Group A Officers serving in Belgaum City / servie members of the Club.
7. The General Body of the Club shall by ballot, elect seven members of the Managing Committee from among the Permanent Members of the club.
8. The term of a member shall be for 3 years once elected. Any Permanent member can be in managing Committee for two terms only. After the first term he shall not be eligible to contest for the immediate next term.
A member shall not be eligible for election as an office bearer if such member owes any dues to the Club.
The Managing Committee shall hold office from the day following the election till the date of election held in the following year.
The Managing Committee shall meet at lest once every month to consider the accounts of the previous month and such proposals or matters as may be informed to it.
The Managing Committee may Rescind or amend Bye-laws and frame additional bye-laws not inconsistent with the rules subject to approval of the General Body.
9. Eight members shall form a quorum for the meeting of the Managing Committee. In the absence of the President and Vice-President the Committee shall elect its Chairman.
10. At the desire of the President or in his absence, the Vice President or at the instance of any three members of the Managing Committee a Special Meeting of the Committee shall be convened, notice of the time and place of the meeting having been duly sent to every member of the Managing Committee.
11. If there is no quorum, the President shall adjourn the Meeting or suspend the meeting for half an hour to get the quorum. But this provision shall not apply to an adjourned meeting.
12. In the case of difference of opinion among the members of the Committee on any proposal or matter , the opinion of the majority of the members present shall prevail ;- but if opinions are equally divided, the President shall give his casting vote.
13. The President shall take the Chair and be responsible for the proper conduct of the General Body, the Managing Committee and such Committee of which he may be a member.
14. Subject to the provisions of the rules, the Vice-President shall discharge all the duties of the President in his absence or vacancy.
15. The President or in his absence, the Vice-President shall have the power to take such decisions on matter of urgency as he may anticipate will meet with the approval of the Managing Committee and which if delayed may result in loss to the Club or be otherwise Detrimental to its interest.
All such decisions shall be referred to the Managing Committee for confirmation or ratification at its next meeting.
16. The Managing Committee shall have power to rescind or amend the bye-laws and to frame additional bye-laws not inconsistence with the rules.
17. The Committee shall appoint all members of the staff and suspend or dismiss them.
18. The Managing Committee shall fix the salaries of all the members of the staff and servants of the club from time as it may think fit.
19. The Managing Committee shall have powers to appoint Sub-Committees from time to time for specific purposes. One of the members of the Committee shall be the Chairman and the Hon.Secretary shall be the Convener of each of sub-committees. The Managing Committee may appoint such other members of the Club as it considers appropriate as members of the Sub-Committees.
20. A list of Sub-Committees and the names of the members comprising them, shall be displayed on the Notice Board.
21. The Proceedings of all Sub-Committees shall be subject to confirmation or ratification by the Managing Committee.
22. In the ordinary performance of its duties the Managing Committee may obtain supplies on credit. For every such transaction entered in to by the Club as represented by the Hon.Secretary.
23. The managing Committee may sanction capital expenditure as per the requirement.
24. The Managing Committee shall normally maintain the accounts with the State Bank of India or for special reason with any Scheduled Bank and no other account shall be opened.
25. In the event of any member who by his conduct or in any other way; is guilty of any act which is offensive to other members, or is likely to disturb the harmony of other members, or to be prejudicial to the interests of the club, such conduct be taken immediate cognizance of by the Managing Committee and if considered advisable, be placed before the General Body or the special General Body, for necessary action.
26. Any member of the Managing Committee who fails to attend three consecutive monthly meetings shall vacate his seat there on. But such member shall at the discretion of the Managing Committee, be allowed to retain his seat if his seat if his absence has not been willful and due to unavoidable circumstances.
27. The Managing Committee shall arrange affiliation with other clubs as may be considered advantageous to the members of the club.
28. Should the entrance fee, subscription Club bill or other liabilities of a member remain unpaid till the 20th of the month succeeding that in which it accrued, he shall be sent a reminder and if the amount due remain unpaid, he shall be sent a further reminder by registered letter with his next month’s bill. If his account is not settled within 30 days of dispatch of the second reminder, his name may be posted as a defaulter and he will not be permitted to use the club until the account is settled in full. When a member is declared as a defaulter for three calendar months, the committee may remove his name from the list of members, but his name and the amount due from him shall remain posted on the notice board until payment is made. A member whose name is so removed, shall be eligible for re-election to the Club.
Rule 18
His duty shall be to preside at all Annual or Special General Body meetings of the Club and to regulate the proceedings and also to preside at all meetings of the Managing Committee. At the Annual General Body or Special General Body Meeting he shall answer all questions relating to the working of the Club and may, if necessary, call upon any member of the Managing Committee to do so.
The President shall nominate to the Managing Committee eight Members from among the Service Members of the Club.
Rule 19.
The Vice-President shall act for the President in the absence or vacancy.
Rule 20.
(i) He shall have control over the funds of the Club in the Bank and shall operate such
amounts as previously sanctioned by the Managing Committee
(ii) The entries in the Cash Book after being checked, should be initialed by him and the Bank statement placed before the monthly meeting of the Managing Committee
(iii) He shall sign the audited balance sheet.
(iv) The Secretary shall convene all the Meetings of the Managing Committee, give notice in writing at least 3 days before the date of meeting, and send the agenda of the meeting to all the members of the Managing Committee.
(v) Hon.Secretary shall have powers to make payments of the salaries to the sanctioned establishment and purchase of all the stores and supplies including replacements.
(vi) No expenditure on any one item exceeding Rs.500/- in any one month shall be incurred or paid by the Hon.Secretary except with the approval of the Managing Committee
(vii) The Hon.Secretary may write off losses of the stores up to the value of Rs.50/- on any single item per month provided the total amount written off per month does not exceed Rs.200/-
(viii) The Hon.Secretary shall keep the accounts in a business like manner.
(ix) The Hon.Secretary shall record the proceedings of the General Body and Special Body and Managing Committee and shall give effect to the decisions of the Managing Committee and General and special Body.
(x) The Hon.Secretary shall be in-charge of all the records of the Club and shall maintain them in such manner as to ensure continuity and easy reference by the Managing Committee or any person authorized by it.
(xi) The Hon.Secretary shall give such necessary information and explanation to the Auditor as the Auditor call for.
Rule 20 (B) :- The annual budget shall be prepared the Hon.Secretary and shall place it before the M.C.M at least two Months before close financial year and after approval of M.C.M. the same shall be placed before the AGM.
(xiii) Except payments which shall be made out of imprest funds of Rs.3000/- in the possession of the Hon.Secretary, all payments shall be made by cheque. Every such cheque shall be signed by the Hon.Secretary and if he is not available to sign the cheques for a period exceeding 7 days, the the President shall sign.
Rule 21
(i) The Club accounts and balance sheet shall annually be audited for the year ending 31st March. The report shall be made available for examination by any member before the Annual General Body Meeting
(ii) The Annual General Body Meeting shall appoint an Auditor for the year and fix his remuneration with the condition that his report shall be made to the Managing Committee on whether the accounts submitted at the end of the year present a true and correct view of the financial affairs of the Club and whether they are in accordance with the rules and records of the Club.
Rule 22
All amounts to the credit of the Club Shall be kept with the State Bank of India or any approved Bank and all the expenditure exceeding Rs.1,000/- shall be paid by cheque.
Rule 23.
The Managing Committee shall hold a special Meeting to examine and pass the Annual Report on the financial position and general administration of the club for the preceding the months ending 31st March.
Rule 24
The financial year of the Club shall close on the 31ST March every year
Rule 25.
(i) The calendar year of the Club shall Commence on 1st April and end on 31st March each year.
(ii) General Body Meeting shall be held once a year within four months of the close of the financial year for the purpose of considering:
(a) Managing Committees report on the affairs of the Club.
(b)The election of the office bearer’s seven civilian members of the Managing Committee and appointment of Auditor.
(c) Adoption and acceptance of the Audited accounts.
(d) Such other proposals or matters as the Managing Committee or any Permanent Member may place before the General Body for which clear Notice of Not less than 15 days shall be given.
(iii) Notice of the Annual General Body Meeting shall be pasted on Club Notice Board and sent to all the subscribing Permanent Members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting and shall be accompanied by the Agenda, printed copies of the Managing Committee’s report and a statement of the audited accounts of the Club for the previous year and the budget proposals.
(iv) Twenty five permanent members shall form the quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting
(v)A Permanent Member present at the Annual General Body Meeting may ask questions, discuss and vote on any proposal.
(vi) A proposal shall, if its proposer is absent, be deemed to have been withdrawn by the proposer.
(vii) Same as otherwise provided for in these rules, a proposal shall be deemed to be passed by the Annual General Body Meeting if a majority of the Permanent Members present vote in its favour. If the votes are equally divided, the President shall give his casting vote.
(viii) A proposal once decided at the Annual General Body Meeting shall not again be placed before the General Body until the expiry of at least six months.
Rule 26.
(i) Special General Body Meeting shall be convinced if six members of the Managing Committee or 20 Permanent Members make a request in writing to that effect to the President.
(ii) A request for convening a Special General Meeting shall be accompanied by a statement of the purpose of the Meeting in the form of a proposal and discussion or voting shall be confined to such proposals.
(iii) A decision taken by a Special General Meeting shall have the same force as if it was taken by the Annual General Meeting.
(iv) Same as otherwise provided for in these rules, the provisions of Rule 27 shall apply in so far as they are applicable to Special General Meeting.
(v) The Managing Committee shall within 10 days from the date of the receipt of the requisition, proceed duly to call the Special General Body Meeting for the consideration of the business stated on a date not later than 40 days from the date of the receipt of the requisition.
(vi) A resolution of which due notice is give may be modified at a Meeting by a suitable amendment.
Rule 27.
The Managing Committee whenever it acts on legal advice, must obtain such legal advice in writing and must not take legal action on major issues without the consent of the General Body.
A member shall not resort to litigation in nay concerning the Club but will, it the first instance represent his case to the Managing Committee in writing. Should be not be satisfied with the decision of the Managing Committee the matter shall be placed before a Special General Body Meeting which shall be convinced by the Managing Committee, under Rule 23 on receiving a written requisition from the Member through the Hon. Secretary to do so the decision of the Special General Body shall be final and binding on him. If however, he wishes to proceed with litigation in a Court of Law, he shall first resign his membership failing which his name will be struck off the roll of the Members from the date the suit is
Rule 28..
(i) If at any time, in the opinion of the Managing Committee, it appears necessary or desirable that the affairs of the Club shall be wound up the Managing Committee shall convene a Special General Body Meeting to consider such proposals.
(ii) The provisions of Rule 28 shall apply to a Special General Meeting under this Rule save that :
(a) Notice in writing shall be given of the Meeting by the Hon. Secretary to all the subscribing Permanent Members at least 30 days before the date of the Meeting.
(b) At least half the subscribing Permanent Members shall form the quorum. no proposal for winding up the affairs of the Club shall be deemed to be passed unless 3/4th of the Permanent Members present at the meeting vote in its favor.
(iii) If a Special General Body Meeting under this Rule, decides to wind up the affairs of the Club, it shall appoint a Liquidator/ Liquidators and fix his/their remuneration. The Liquidation shall be conducted as far as practicable in accordance with the Indian Companies Act and any surplus assets remaining after all the liabilities have been discharged shall be shared equally by the permanent Members or disposed of in such a manner as the Special General Meeting may decide.
Rule 29
Reference to these shall be construed as including reference as far as may be applicable to the bye-laws made there under
Rule 30
(i) If 15 Permanent Members give notice of any amendment shall be examined by the management Committee and if the management Committee accepts it the same be dealt as a proposal for the consideration of the General Body Meeting but no such proposal shall be deemed to have been passed unless 2/3rd of the Permanent Members present at the Meeting vote in its favour.
(ii) The provisions of Sub-Rule (i) shall apply to any amendment to the Bye Laws made under these rule but only after a Permanent Member proposed such amendment to the Managing Committee and has been informed in writing by the Hon. Secretary that the Managing Committee has accepted it.
(iii) Reference to these rules or the bye-laws made there under shall be deemed to include reference to such amendments as may be made to them from time to time.
(iv) These rules which supersede all previous Rules and shall not be modifies, rescinded altered or added except by a majority of two thirds of the Members present at a General Body Meeting.
Rule 31.
(i) Any member having a cause to complain against Club staff or arrangements shall enter the same in the complaint book kept for the purpose. No staff of the Club shall be struck or abused or in any way punished by the Members.
(ii) Any person causing loss or damage to any articles of the Club property shall be liable to pay such compensation as determined by the Managing Committee.
(iii) The club premises may be made use of by persons or institutions other than members only with the prior approval of the Managing Committee for any temporary purpose. The charges for such use shall be determined by the Managing Committee.
(iv) The Managing Committee shall decided the amount of refundable deposit to be taken from the members while they join the Club and the same shall be returned to the members at the time of their resigning from the Club or at the time of their membership being terminated.
As approved in the General Body Meeting of Belgaum Club held on 06th June 2010
ndments approved by the Annual General Body Meeting held on 06/06/2010
(i) Any person residing within the limits of Belgaum City Corporation and Belgaum Cantonment, Air Force Station Sambra is eligible to become a Permanent Member.
(ii) Every candidate for permanent membership should be proposed by one permanent member and seconded by two permanent members to whom he is personally known in the prescribed form and signed by the candidate.
(iii) Every permanent member of the club can propose only one name and second only one name during any calendar year.
(iv) No member of the Managing Committee or Ballot Committee will either propose or second any candidate for membership.
(v) On receipt of the proposal form, the Hon. Secretary shall notify the same giving details of the candidate , profession and present address together with the names of the proposer and seconder on the Notice Board of the Club for a period of 30 days.
(vi) The notice sent to the members shall call upon them to notify within 30 days should they consider the candidate unsuitable to be member giving reasons which shall be treated as strictly confidential and be destroyed after each ballot.
(vii) During the above period the Managing Committee if it so desires invites such applicant for admission, to make use of the facilities of the club pending consideration of his applications by the Managing Committee and Ballot Committee. These powers of the Managing Committee may be delegated by the Managing Committee to the Hon. Secretary or any one or more members of the Managing Committee as a Group.
During the above period of 30 days the proposer or the seconder also is entitled to bring the applicant to the Club as his guest.
(viii) After 30 days and within one month thereafter the Managing Committee shall meet, consider the objections and the proposal shall be put to vote by the Ballot Committee.
(ix) The Ballot committee shall consist of the members of the Managing Committee
(x) Eight members shall form the quorum of the Ballot Committee.
(xi) The Ballot shall be conducted by secret Ballot. Three negative votes will disqualify an applicant from becoming a member.
(xii) The Ballot box after balloting period shall be opened and examined by the Hon.Sec. in the presence of any two members of the Managing Committee all of whom shall sign the entry in the Ballot Register, noting down the result of the Ballot.
(xiii) The result, if favorable, shall immediately be communicated to the candidate in writing by the Hon. Secretary by a Notice in the prescribed form.
(xiv) In the event of an unfavorable ballot, the proposer shall be so informed for the information of the candidate.
(xv) The election of the member shall be notified on the Club Notice Board.
(xvi) In the event of the candidate not being elected or his election canceled under rule. His proposer and seconder shall be liable for any charges that the applicant may have during the interval.
(xvii) Should a candidate be elected and it appears subsequently at any time in the opinion of the Managing Committee , that any statement contained in the application is incorrect in any material particulars, the Managing Committee shall have the right to cancel his election forthwith and the member shall cease to be a member of the club.
(xviii) Should a candidate fail to get elected, he shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year.
(xix) The entrance fee for a Permanent Member shall be determined by the Managing Committee.
The entrance fee for a Service Member shall also be determined by the Managing Committee and approved by General Body.
(xx) The monthly subscription of all Categories of members shall be determined by the Managing committee.
(xxi) The candidate may withdraw his application before the ballot, upon written request to the effect address to the Hon. Secretary by himself or his proposer or seconder in which case he will be charge the usual monthly subscription from the date of his application to the date of withdrawal.
A permanent member who has been a member continuously for a period of 30 years and who has completed 65 years of age will automatically become a Life Member; thereafter he will be exempt from paying the monthly subscription.
Rule 8
Any Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1961 or association of persons (Nationally/ internationally known or recognized by the State or Central Govt.) having its registered office in India or any Defence Services officers mess shall be eligible to become a Block Member of the Club.
Any such institution desirous of becoming Club Member shall apply through the Hon. Secretary of the Club to the Managing Committee of the Club and the Managing Committee as its sole discretion may approve the application for admission as a Block Member. Any Block Member so admitted as above may nominate in writing not more than five persons who are principal functionaries of the institution and forward such lists to the Managing Committee and the Managing Committee at its discretion may approve the same. Persons so approved by the Managing Committee shall be entitled to all the facilities and amenities of the Club as Permanent Members except the powers to vote and being elected to any office in the Club.
As far as powers to vote in concerned the Block Member will have only one vote to be represented by one of the above 5 persons who will be nominated in writing by the Block Member.
If the Block Members so desire to nominate more than 5 members subject to the approval of the Managing Committee such members shall be accepted subject to their paying monthly subscription as that of Permanent Member.
Rule 10
Dependents of members shall be entitled to use the club, such dependents being restricted to:
(i) Wife / Husband
(ii) Children dependent on a member above the age of 12 years and below the age of 21 years on payment of fees as determined by the Managing Committee.
Rules approved by the Special General Body Meting held on 31/12/1979
(Brought in to force on 1st Jan. 1980)
With amendments approved by the Annual General Body Meeting held on 06/06/2010
Rule 1. The Club Shall be called ‘THE BELGAUM CLUB’.
Rule 2. The objects of the Club shall be to promote social activities
Including sports and recreation.
Rule 3. Every member shall be bound by these rules.
Rule 4. No person below the age 21 years shall be eligible for admission
Or Election as a member.
Membership, Election, Rights, duties and privileges.
Subject to the provisions of these rules membership shall be open to ladies and gentlemen without any distinction.
Rule 5. There shall be Five classes of members:
a) Permanent Members
b) Life Members
c) Block Members
d) Service Members.
e) Dependant Members
Rule 6.
(i) Any person residing within the limits of Belgaum City Corporation and Belgaum Cantonment, Air Force Station Sambra is eligible to become a Permanent Member.
(ii) Every candidate for permanent membership should be proposed by one permanent member and seconded by two permanent members to whom he is personally known in the prescribed form and signed by the candidate.
(iii) Every permanent member of the club can propose only one name and second only one name during any calendar year.
(iv) No member of the Managing Committee or Ballot Committee will either propose or second any candidate for membership.
(v) On receipt of the proposal form, the Hon. Secretary shall notify the same giving details of the candidate , profession and present address together with the names of the proposer and seconder on the Notice Board of the Club for a period of 30 days.
(vi) The notice sent to the members shall call upon them to notify within 30 days should they consider the candidate unsuitable to be member giving reasons which shall be treated as strictly confidential and be destroyed after each ballot.
(vii) During the above period the Managing Committee if it so desires invites such applicant for admission, to make use of the facilities of the club pending consideration of his applications by the Managing Committee and Ballot Committee. These powers of the Managing Committee may be delegated by the Managing Committee to the Hon. Secretary or any one or more members of the Managing Committee as a Group.
During the above period of 30 days the proposer or the seconder also is entitled to bring the applicant to the Club as his guest.
(viii) After 30 days and within one month thereafter the Managing Committee shall meet, consider the objections and the proposal shall be put to vote by the Ballot Committee.
(ix) The Ballot committee shall consist of the members of the Managing Committee
(x) Eight members shall form the quorum of the Ballot Committee.
(xi) The Ballot shall be conducted by secret Ballot. Three negative votes will disqualify an applicant from becoming a member.
(xii) The Ballot box after balloting period shall be opened and examined by the Hon.Sec. in the presence of any two members of the Managing Committee all of whom shall sign the entry in the Ballot Register, noting down the result of the Ballot.
(xiii) The result, if favorable, shall immediately be communicated to the candidate in writing by the Hon. Secretary by a Notice in the prescribed form.
(xiv) In the event of an unfavorable ballot, the proposer shall be so informed for the information of the candidate.
(xv) The election of the member shall be notified on the Club Notice Board.
(xvi) In the event of the candidate not being elected or his election canceled under rule. His proposer and seconder shall be liable for any charges that the applicant may have during the interval.
(xvii) Should a candidate be elected and it appears subsequently at any time in the opinion of the Managing Committee , that any statement contained in the application is incorrect in any material particulars, the Managing Committee shall have the right to cancel his election forthwith and the member shall cease to be a member of the club.
(xviii) Should a candidate fail to get elected, he shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year.
(xix) The entrance fee for a Permanent Member shall be determined by the Managing Committee.
The entrance fee for a Service Member shall also be determined by the Managing Committee and approved by General Body.
(xx) The monthly subscription of all Categories of members shall be determined by the Managing committee.
(xxi) The candidate may withdraw his application before the ballot, upon written request to the effect address to the Hon. Secretary by himself or his proposer or seconder in which case he will be charge the usual monthly subscription from the date of his application to the date of withdrawal.
Rule 7
A permanent member who has been a member continuously for a period of 30 years and who has completed 65 years of age will automatically become a Life Member; thereafter he will be exempt from paying the monthly subscription.
Rule 8
Any Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1961 or association of persons (Nationally/ internationally known or recognized by the State or Central Govt.) having its registered office in India or any Defence Services officers mess shall be eligible to become a Block Member of the Club.
Any such institution desirous of becoming Club Member shall apply through the Hon. Secretary of the Club to the Managing Committee of the Club and the Managing Committee as its sole discretion may approve the application for admission as a Block Member. Any Block Member so admitted as above may nominate in writing not more than five persons who are principal functionaries of the institution and forward such lists to the Managing Committee and the Managing Committee at its discretion may approve the same. Persons so approved by the Managing Committee shall be entitled to all the facilities and amenities of the Club as Permanent Members except the powers to vote and being elected to any office in the Club.
As far as powers to vote in concerned the Block Member will have only one vote to be represented by one of the above 5 persons who will be nominated in writing by the Block Member.
If the Block Members so desire to nominate more than 5 members subject to the approval of the Managing Committee such members shall be accepted subject to their paying monthly subscription as that of Permanent Member.
Rule 9.
(i) Gazetted Officers belonging to the Govt. Service not below the rank of class 1 (JR) or officers of equal ranks in the Defence Services stationed within the Belgaum Corporation Limit as mentioned in Rule 6 (i)
(ii) Application of such officers must be recommended by the Head of the Office and may be accepted as members by the Managing Committee by majority decision without ballot.
(iii) They shall pay an entrance fees and monthly subscription as fixed by the Managing Committee.
(vi) Such members shall have all the privileges of Permanent Members.
Rule 10
Dependents of members shall be entitled to use the club, such dependents being restricted to:
(i) Wife / Husband
(ii) Children dependent on a member above the age of 12 years and below the age of 21 years on payment of fees as determined by the Managing Committee.
Rule 11
No strangers shall be admitted to the Club premises unless introduced by a member as guest However.
(i) Any member may introduce one or more friends into the Club as his guest.
(ii) Where the introduction of guest or guest is objected to pay any member, the matter will be
referred to the Hon.Secretary whose decision shall be final subject to confirmation by the Managing Committee.
(iii) Every member introducing a Guest shall pay guest charges Fixed by the Managing Committe
(iv) No person who is a resident of Belgaum can come as a guest more than thrice in a month
(v) Right of admission of the guest or guests is reserved.
(vi) Guests shall not be allowed on any day on which a General Body Meeting on the members is being held or on Election Day.
Rule 12 Deleted
Rule 13
In case of Permanent Members the Membership of the Club shall commence from the date of the election by the Ballot Committee.` In case of Block Members, Temporary, Distinguished and Service Members, from the date of approval by the Managing Committee.
Rule 14
(a) Membership and all rights and privileges relating there to shall be deemed to cease if :
(i) A member resigns or dies.
(ii) is dismissed from service to which he belongs,
(iii) by a competent court declared an insolvent or of unsound mind or sentenced to imprisonment of any offence involving moral turpitude.
(iv) If membership is cancelled by a Resolution carried by a ¾ majority of the members present at the General Body meeting of the club.
(v) is in arrears of subscription for a period exceeding three months but the Managing Committee may readmit him or receipt of arrears of subscription and other dues in addition to a sum of Rs.5000/- without any formalities within one month from the date of removal of membership.
(vi) The Disciplinary committee shall allow at least one fortnight for the members to make representation in writing or in person.
No resignation of a member shall be accepted or deemed to take effect unless and until such Member completes payment of all the dues from him to the club.
A member who resigns from the club may with the approval of the Managing Committee be Re-admitted on payment of 1/3 of the entrance fee and all arrears due up to the date on which His original membership terminated.
The Disciplinary committee shall make a recommendation in the matter to the managing Committee and the managing Committee, if it so deems fit may suspend the membership of the concerned member, until the course of action to be taken against the member finalized by the Managing Committee.
(b) (Added)
The Managing Committee may appoint a Disciplinary Committee to determine the truth of any complaint received in writing against any member of the club. The Disciplinary Committee shall meet within one fortnight of its appointment and issue a written notice to the concerned members outlining the nature of the complaint. This notice shall be handed over to the concerned member or sent to his address by R.P.A.D. Post.
During the period of suspension of membership, the member will not be entitled to use any of the facilities of the club.
Rule 15
Withdrawal from membership shall be in writing to the Hon. Secretary within the first week of the month for which the subscription is due; otherwise the member will be liable for subscription for the whole month.
Rule 16.
The Managing Committee may, on receipt of application, transfer membership in the following cases without payment of an entrance fee.
(i) A Member on transfer or on leaving the station may ask for his membership to be transferred in his wife’s / husband’s name.
(ii) On the death of a member, the widow may ask her name to be substituted for that of her late husband.
(iii) A wife may ask that her membership be transferred to her husband and Vice – Versa.
(iv) Outstanding dues if any, shall be paid in full before the membership is transferred.
Rule 17.
1. The Management of the club will vest in the Managing Committee.
2. The Managing Committee shall consist of the following
i) President
ii) Vice-President
iii) Hon. Secretary & Treasurer
iv) Fifteen other members
Among the Civilian members those with at least 10 years membership of the Club only are entitled to be elected to the Managing Committee of the Club.
If there are any vacancies in the Managing Committee caused due to resignation by the Member of the Managing Committee or for any other reasons in the middle of the year, the managing Committee may fill up the vacancy by co-opting a member in that place.
3. The Inspector General of Police Northern Range, Belgaum shall be the President of the Club.
4. The Deputy Commissioner Belgaum district shall be the Vice- President of the Club.
5. The Supdt. Of Police of Belgaum shall be the Hon.Secretary & Treasurer of the Club.
6. The President of the Club shall nominate eight other members of the Managing Committee from among the Permanent Members who are Group A Officers serving in Belgaum City / servie members of the Club.
7. The General Body of the Club shall by ballot, elect seven members of the Managing Committee from among the Permanent Members of the club.
8. The term of a member shall be for 3 years once elected. Any Permanent member can be in managing Committee for two terms only. After the first term he shall not be eligible to contest for the immediate next term.
A member shall not be eligible for election as an office bearer if such member owes any dues to the Club.
The Managing Committee shall hold office from the day following the election till the date of election held in the following year.
The Managing Committee shall meet at lest once every month to consider the accounts of the previous month and such proposals or matters as may be informed to it.
The Managing Committee may Rescind or amend Bye-laws and frame additional bye-laws not inconsistent with the rules subject to approval of the General Body.
9. Eight members shall form a quorum for the meeting of the Managing Committee. In the absence of the President and Vice-President the Committee shall elect its Chairman.
10. At the desire of the President or in his absence, the Vice President or at the instance of any three members of the Managing Committee a Special Meeting of the Committee shall be convened, notice of the time and place of the meeting having been duly sent to every member of the Managing Committee.
11. If there is no quorum, the President shall adjourn the Meeting or suspend the meeting for half an hour to get the quorum. But this provision shall not apply to an adjourned meeting.
12. In the case of difference of opinion among the members of the Committee on any proposal or matter , the opinion of the majority of the members present shall prevail ;- but if opinions are equally divided, the President shall give his casting vote.
13. The President shall take the Chair and be responsible for the proper conduct of the General Body, the Managing Committee and such Committee of which he may be a member.
14. Subject to the provisions of the rules, the Vice-President shall discharge all the duties of the President in his absence or vacancy.
15. The President or in his absence, the Vice-President shall have the power to take such decisions on matter of urgency as he may anticipate will meet with the approval of the Managing Committee and which if delayed may result in loss to the Club or be otherwise Detrimental to its interest.
All such decisions shall be referred to the Managing Committee for confirmation or ratification at its next meeting.
16. The Managing Committee shall have power to rescind or amend the bye-laws and to frame additional bye-laws not inconsistence with the rules.
17. The Committee shall appoint all members of the staff and suspend or dismiss them.
18. The Managing Committee shall fix the salaries of all the members of the staff and servants of the club from time as it may think fit.
19. The Managing Committee shall have powers to appoint Sub-Committees from time to time for specific purposes. One of the members of the Committee shall be the Chairman and the Hon.Secretary shall be the Convener of each of sub-committees. The Managing Committee may appoint such other members of the Club as it considers appropriate as members of the Sub-Committees.
20. A list of Sub-Committees and the names of the members comprising them, shall be displayed on the Notice Board.
21. The Proceedings of all Sub-Committees shall be subject to confirmation or ratification by the Managing Committee.
22. In the ordinary performance of its duties the Managing Committee may obtain supplies on credit. For every such transaction entered in to by the Club as represented by the Hon.Secretary.
23. The managing Committee may sanction capital expenditure as per the requirement.
24. The Managing Committee shall normally maintain the accounts with the State Bank of India or for special reason with any Scheduled Bank and no other account shall be opened.
25. In the event of any member who by his conduct or in any other way; is guilty of any act which is offensive to other members, or is likely to disturb the harmony of other members, or to be prejudicial to the interests of the club, such conduct be taken immediate cognizance of by the Managing Committee and if considered advisable, be placed before the General Body or the special General Body, for necessary action.
26. Any member of the Managing Committee who fails to attend three consecutive monthly meetings shall vacate his seat there on. But such member shall at the discretion of the Managing Committee, be allowed to retain his seat if his seat if his absence has not been willful and due to unavoidable circumstances.
27. The Managing Committee shall arrange affiliation with other clubs as may be considered advantageous to the members of the club.
28. Should the entrance fee, subscription Club bill or other liabilities of a member remain unpaid till the 20th of the month succeeding that in which it accrued, he shall be sent a reminder and if the amount due remain unpaid, he shall be sent a further reminder by registered letter with his next month’s bill. If his account is not settled within 30 days of dispatch of the second reminder, his name may be posted as a defaulter and he will not be permitted to use the club until the account is settled in full. When a member is declared as a defaulter for three calendar months, the committee may remove his name from the list of members, but his name and the amount due from him shall remain posted on the notice board until payment is made. A member whose name is so removed, shall be eligible for re-election to the Club.
Rule 18
His duty shall be to preside at all Annual or Special General Body meetings of the Club and to regulate the proceedings and also to preside at all meetings of the Managing Committee. At the Annual General Body or Special General Body Meeting he shall answer all questions relating to the working of the Club and may, if necessary, call upon any member of the Managing Committee to do so.
The President shall nominate to the Managing Committee eight Members from among the Service Members of the Club.
Rule 19.
The Vice-President shall act for the President in the absence or vacancy.
Rule 20.
(i) He shall have control over the funds of the Club in the Bank and shall operate such
amounts as previously sanctioned by the Managing Committee
(ii) The entries in the Cash Book after being checked, should be initialed by him and the Bank statement placed before the monthly meeting of the Managing Committee
(iii) He shall sign the audited balance sheet.
(iv) The Secretary shall convene all the Meetings of the Managing Committee, give notice in writing at least 3 days before the date of meeting, and send the agenda of the meeting to all the members of the Managing Committee.
(v) Hon.Secretary shall have powers to make payments of the salaries to the sanctioned establishment and purchase of all the stores and supplies including replacements.
(vi) No expenditure on any one item exceeding Rs.500/- in any one month shall be incurred or paid by the Hon.Secretary except with the approval of the Managing Committee
(vii) The Hon.Secretary may write off losses of the stores up to the value of Rs.50/- on any single item per month provided the total amount written off per month does not exceed Rs.200/-
(viii) The Hon.Secretary shall keep the accounts in a business like manner.
(ix) The Hon.Secretary shall record the proceedings of the General Body and Special Body and Managing Committee and shall give effect to the decisions of the Managing Committee and General and special Body.
(x) The Hon.Secretary shall be in-charge of all the records of the Club and shall maintain them in such manner as to ensure continuity and easy reference by the Managing Committee or any person authorized by it.
(xi) The Hon.Secretary shall give such necessary information and explanation to the Auditor as the Auditor call for.
Rule 20 (B) :- The annual budget shall be prepared the Hon.Secretary and shall place it before the M.C.M at least two Months before close financial year and after approval of M.C.M. the same shall be placed before the AGM.
(xiii) Except payments which shall be made out of imprest funds of Rs.3000/- in the possession of the Hon.Secretary, all payments shall be made by cheque. Every such cheque shall be signed by the Hon.Secretary and if he is not available to sign the cheques for a period exceeding 7 days, the the President shall sign.
Rule 21
(i) The Club accounts and balance sheet shall annually be audited for the year ending 31st March. The report shall be made available for examination by any member before the Annual General Body Meeting
(ii) The Annual General Body Meeting shall appoint an Auditor for the year and fix his remuneration with the condition that his report shall be made to the Managing Committee on whether the accounts submitted at the end of the year present a true and correct view of the financial affairs of the Club and whether they are in accordance with the rules and records of the Club.
Rule 22
All amounts to the credit of the Club Shall be kept with the State Bank of India or any approved Bank and all the expenditure exceeding Rs.1,000/- shall be paid by cheque.
Rule 23.
The Managing Committee shall hold a special Meeting to examine and pass the Annual Report on the financial position and general administration of the club for the preceding the months ending 31st March.
Rule 24
The financial year of the Club shall close on the 31ST March every year
Rule 25.
(i) The calendar year of the Club shall Commence on 1st April and end on 31st March each year.
(ii) General Body Meeting shall be held once a year within four months of the close of the financial year for the purpose of considering:
(a) Managing Committees report on the affairs of the Club.
(b)The election of the office bearer’s seven civilian members of the Managing Committee and appointment of Auditor.
(c) Adoption and acceptance of the Audited accounts.
(d) Such other proposals or matters as the Managing Committee or any Permanent Member may place before the General Body for which clear Notice of Not less than 15 days shall be given.
(iii) Notice of the Annual General Body Meeting shall be pasted on Club Notice Board and sent to all the subscribing Permanent Members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting and shall be accompanied by the Agenda, printed copies of the Managing Committee’s report and a statement of the audited accounts of the Club for the previous year and the budget proposals.
(iv) Twenty five permanent members shall form the quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting
(v)A Permanent Member present at the Annual General Body Meeting may ask questions, discuss and vote on any proposal.
(vi) A proposal shall, if its proposer is absent, be deemed to have been withdrawn by the proposer.
(vii) Same as otherwise provided for in these rules, a proposal shall be deemed to be passed by the Annual General Body Meeting if a majority of the Permanent Members present vote in its favour. If the votes are equally divided, the President shall give his casting vote.
(viii) A proposal once decided at the Annual General Body Meeting shall not again be placed before the General Body until the expiry of at least six months.
Rule 26.
(i) Special General Body Meeting shall be convinced if six members of the Managing Committee or 20 Permanent Members make a request in writing to that effect to the President.
(ii) A request for convening a Special General Meeting shall be accompanied by a statement of the purpose of the Meeting in the form of a proposal and discussion or voting shall be confined to such proposals.
(iii) A decision taken by a Special General Meeting shall have the same force as if it was taken by the Annual General Meeting.
(iv) Same as otherwise provided for in these rules, the provisions of Rule 27 shall apply in so far as they are applicable to Special General Meeting.
(v) The Managing Committee shall within 10 days from the date of the receipt of the requisition, proceed duly to call the Special General Body Meeting for the consideration of the business stated on a date not later than 40 days from the date of the receipt of the requisition.
(vi) A resolution of which due notice is give may be modified at a Meeting by a suitable amendment.
Rule 27.
The Managing Committee whenever it acts on legal advice, must obtain such legal advice in writing and must not take legal action on major issues without the consent of the General Body.
A member shall not resort to litigation in nay concerning the Club but will, it the first instance represent his case to the Managing Committee in writing. Should be not be satisfied with the decision of the Managing Committee the matter shall be placed before a Special General Body Meeting which shall be convinced by the Managing Committee, under Rule 23 on receiving a written requisition from the Member through the Hon. Secretary to do so the decision of the Special General Body shall be final and binding on him. If however, he wishes to proceed with litigation in a Court of Law, he shall first resign his membership failing which his name will be struck off the roll of the Members from the date the suit is
Rule 28..
(i) If at any time, in the opinion of the Managing Committee, it appears necessary or desirable that the affairs of the Club shall be wound up the Managing Committee shall convene a Special General Body Meeting to consider such proposals.
(ii) The provisions of Rule 28 shall apply to a Special General Meeting under this Rule save that :
(a) Notice in writing shall be given of the Meeting by the Hon. Secretary to all the subscribing Permanent Members at least 30 days before the date of the Meeting.
(b) At least half the subscribing Permanent Members shall form the quorum. no proposal for winding up the affairs of the Club shall be deemed to be passed unless 3/4th of the Permanent Members present at the meeting vote in its favor.
(iii) If a Special General Body Meeting under this Rule, decides to wind up the affairs of the Club, it shall appoint a Liquidator/ Liquidators and fix his/their remuneration. The Liquidation shall be conducted as far as practicable in accordance with the Indian Companies Act and any surplus assets remaining after all the liabilities have been discharged shall be shared equally by the permanent Members or disposed of in such a manner as the Special General Meeting may decide.
Rule 29
Reference to these shall be construed as including reference as far as may be applicable to the bye-laws made there under
Rule 30
(i) If 15 Permanent Members give notice of any amendment shall be examined by the management Committee and if the management Committee accepts it the same be dealt as a proposal for the consideration of the General Body Meeting but no such proposal shall be deemed to have been passed unless 2/3rd of the Permanent Members present at the Meeting vote in its favour.
(ii) The provisions of Sub-Rule (i) shall apply to any amendment to the Bye Laws made under these rule but only after a Permanent Member proposed such amendment to the Managing Committee and has been informed in writing by the Hon. Secretary that the Managing Committee has accepted it.
(iii) Reference to these rules or the bye-laws made there under shall be deemed to include reference to such amendments as may be made to them from time to time.
(iv) These rules which supersede all previous Rules and shall not be modifies, rescinded altered or added except by a majority of two thirds of the Members present at a General Body Meeting.
Rule 31.
(i) Any member having a cause to complain against Club staff or arrangements shall enter the same in the complaint book kept for the purpose. No staff of the Club shall be struck or abused or in any way punished by the Members.
(ii) Any person causing loss or damage to any articles of the Club property shall be liable to pay such compensation as determined by the Managing Committee.
(iii) The club premises may be made use of by persons or institutions other than members only with the prior approval of the Managing Committee for any temporary purpose. The charges for such use shall be determined by the Managing Committee.
(iv) The Managing Committee shall decided the amount of refundable deposit to be taken from the members while they join the Club and the same shall be returned to the members at the time of their resigning from the Club or at the time of their membership being terminated.
As approved in the General Body Meeting of Belgaum Club held on 06th June 2010
ndments approved by the Annual General Body Meeting held on 06/06/2010
(i) Any person residing within the limits of Belgaum City Corporation and Belgaum Cantonment, Air Force Station Sambra is eligible to become a Permanent Member.
(ii) Every candidate for permanent membership should be proposed by one permanent member and seconded by two permanent members to whom he is personally known in the prescribed form and signed by the candidate.
(iii) Every permanent member of the club can propose only one name and second only one name during any calendar year.
(iv) No member of the Managing Committee or Ballot Committee will either propose or second any candidate for membership.
(v) On receipt of the proposal form, the Hon. Secretary shall notify the same giving details of the candidate , profession and present address together with the names of the proposer and seconder on the Notice Board of the Club for a period of 30 days.
(vi) The notice sent to the members shall call upon them to notify within 30 days should they consider the candidate unsuitable to be member giving reasons which shall be treated as strictly confidential and be destroyed after each ballot.
(vii) During the above period the Managing Committee if it so desires invites such applicant for admission, to make use of the facilities of the club pending consideration of his applications by the Managing Committee and Ballot Committee. These powers of the Managing Committee may be delegated by the Managing Committee to the Hon. Secretary or any one or more members of the Managing Committee as a Group.
During the above period of 30 days the proposer or the seconder also is entitled to bring the applicant to the Club as his guest.
(viii) After 30 days and within one month thereafter the Managing Committee shall meet, consider the objections and the proposal shall be put to vote by the Ballot Committee.
(ix) The Ballot committee shall consist of the members of the Managing Committee
(x) Eight members shall form the quorum of the Ballot Committee.
(xi) The Ballot shall be conducted by secret Ballot. Three negative votes will disqualify an applicant from becoming a member.
(xii) The Ballot box after balloting period shall be opened and examined by the Hon.Sec. in the presence of any two members of the Managing Committee all of whom shall sign the entry in the Ballot Register, noting down the result of the Ballot.
(xiii) The result, if favorable, shall immediately be communicated to the candidate in writing by the Hon. Secretary by a Notice in the prescribed form.
(xiv) In the event of an unfavorable ballot, the proposer shall be so informed for the information of the candidate.
(xv) The election of the member shall be notified on the Club Notice Board.
(xvi) In the event of the candidate not being elected or his election canceled under rule. His proposer and seconder shall be liable for any charges that the applicant may have during the interval.
(xvii) Should a candidate be elected and it appears subsequently at any time in the opinion of the Managing Committee , that any statement contained in the application is incorrect in any material particulars, the Managing Committee shall have the right to cancel his election forthwith and the member shall cease to be a member of the club.
(xviii) Should a candidate fail to get elected, he shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year.
(xix) The entrance fee for a Permanent Member shall be determined by the Managing Committee.
The entrance fee for a Service Member shall also be determined by the Managing Committee and approved by General Body.
(xx) The monthly subscription of all Categories of members shall be determined by the Managing committee.
(xxi) The candidate may withdraw his application before the ballot, upon written request to the effect address to the Hon. Secretary by himself or his proposer or seconder in which case he will be charge the usual monthly subscription from the date of his application to the date of withdrawal.
A permanent member who has been a member continuously for a period of 30 years and who has completed 65 years of age will automatically become a Life Member; thereafter he will be exempt from paying the monthly subscription.
Rule 8
Any Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1961 or association of persons (Nationally/ internationally known or recognized by the State or Central Govt.) having its registered office in India or any Defence Services officers mess shall be eligible to become a Block Member of the Club.
Any such institution desirous of becoming Club Member shall apply through the Hon. Secretary of the Club to the Managing Committee of the Club and the Managing Committee as its sole discretion may approve the application for admission as a Block Member. Any Block Member so admitted as above may nominate in writing not more than five persons who are principal functionaries of the institution and forward such lists to the Managing Committee and the Managing Committee at its discretion may approve the same. Persons so approved by the Managing Committee shall be entitled to all the facilities and amenities of the Club as Permanent Members except the powers to vote and being elected to any office in the Club.
As far as powers to vote in concerned the Block Member will have only one vote to be represented by one of the above 5 persons who will be nominated in writing by the Block Member.
If the Block Members so desire to nominate more than 5 members subject to the approval of the Managing Committee such members shall be accepted subject to their paying monthly subscription as that of Permanent Member.
Rule 10
Dependents of members shall be entitled to use the club, such dependents being restricted to:
(i) Wife / Husband
(ii) Children dependent on a member above the age of 12 years and below the age of 21 years on payment of fees as determined by the Managing Committee.
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Copyright © 2024 Belgaum Club | Designed by Eskay Softech – 9448920298